Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Secrets of dribbling a basketball

It doesn't really matter what position you play - guard, forward, or center...

If you wanna be a good basketball player, then you gotta be able to dribble a basketball.

Dribbling doesn't mean awesome ankle-breaking moves; it simply means the ability to handle the ball.

So, what are the secrets to handling a basketball?

There are 3 secrets, and once you understand these, you really can become better at ball-handling, practically overnight.

Ok, so here are the secrets:

1) You must dribble to protect the ball - This means avoiding turning the ball over (getting stripped, stolen, etc.)

2) You must dribble to create space - This means creating room between you and your defender, so you can get off a shot or pass.

3) You must dribble to get past your defender - This means getting one-step ahead of your defender so you can be in front of him/her.

The above 3 points may not seem like secrets, but they really are...

Most players think that the purpose of dribbling is to "show off" and shake the defender". In process of coping moves from some one else we really forget what those moves were really for. When some amazing move really happen, it was so because the player took care of the above points at the best. That is what matters the most and makes it special.

Once you know the REASON you are dribbling the ball, once you know WHY you're dribbling, only then can you become a good ball-handler. And that’s why the above secrets are important; because they help you mentally identify the goals of ball-handling.

Think about the 3 points carefully, and you'll begin to realize that handling the ball isn't’s simply about meeting a goal.

Take one thing at a time…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.